If you think your property taxes are too high, you’re not alone. In Texas, people have the right to protest their property taxes to get them lowered. If you’re a homeowner in Texas, you need to know about the deadlines for property tax protests. For early protests, the deadline is April 30th. The deadline for regular protests is May 15th. If you miss those deadlines, you may still be able to file a protest – but it may get complicated. So don’t wait – find out how to file your protest today!

Protesting Homestead Property Taxes in Texas

Each year presents a new chance to protest your home’s property taxes. For homestead properties, the early protest deadline is April 30th or 30 days after the date you receive the appraisal district notice of appraised value. Whichever date is later applies.

However, if you miss the new early deadline, you can protest before the regular May 15 deadline. 

With the homestead exemption, you often pay less in taxes because the county lets you use the calculated (or capped) value rather than the market value. The capped value only adds 10% of the market value to your last appraisal value. If this figure is lower than the market value, you pay capped value rather than market value for your appraisal taxes. (1)

Having a homestead exemption can make a monumental difference when housing values soar.

Homestead Property Values Increase

According to the Houston Association of Realtors (HAR), the selling value of homes in Harris county is increasing. Average sales prices increased from $$324,069 in 2020 to $376,075 in 2021 and consistently continue to grow in 2022. 84% of homes increased in value in 2021. So if you’re protesting your property tax, you may need an attorney to help you appeal successfully. (2)

A real estate attorney can help you protest the tax appraisal value and also determine whether the county violates your rights as a citizen. They can also help you file the paperwork and represent you in court if it goes that far.

If your property taxes have increased year after year, now is a good time to protest them. You may be able to get a reduction in your tax bill and save money for years to come.

Applying for A Homestead Exemption in Texas

If you’re a Harris County, Texas homeowner, you may qualify for a homestead exemption. A homestead exemption exempts all or part of your home’s value from taxation, which can save you money on your property taxes. To apply for a homestead exemption in Harris County, Texas, you’ll need to fill out and submit the following forms:

You can find these forms on the Harris County Appraisal District website. Once you’ve submitted the documents, you should receive your homestead exemption within 30 days.

If you have any questions about filing for a homestead exemption or how to protest your property taxes, you should contact a real estate attorney. They can help you navigate the process and ensure that you get the best possible outcome for your case.

Protesting Other Property Taxes

In the case of other real property, such as land and buildings, the protest deadline is May 15. However, if HCAD mails your appraised value notice after May 1, you may qualify for a later protest deadline.

The May 15 deadline also applies to business and industrial personal property accounts.

Other Possible Dates to Know

In some cases, the date for your protest deadline will be later than the dates listed above. If that is the case, the date will be on the appraised value notice.

How Do I File a Protest for Property Taxes in Harris County, Texas?

If you believe that an appraiser valued your home or business for more than its worth, you may file a protest with the Harris County Appraisal District.

You can either file your protest:

  • Online
  • In-person
  • By mail

If you choose to file by mail, make sure your documents get a postmark on or before the deadline date. To file a protest online or in person, visit the Appraisal Review Board office in downtown Houston at 1001 Preston, Suite 911, Houston, TX 77002-2023.

We Can Help

The Jarrett Law Firm can help you file a protest and get the best results for your home property tax value. We have years of experience representing homeowners at every level of the property tax protest process, including:

  • Appraisal Review Board Protests
  • ARB Hearings
  • Late Filed Protests
  • District Court Appeals
  • State Office of Administrative Hearing (SOAH) Appeals

If you have any questions about how we can help, please feel free to contact us. We are here to walk you through the process and ensure that your rights are protected! Contact us today to learn more!