Prevent Foreclosure Deficiency Judgment

Prevent Foreclosure Deficiency Judgment

Struggling with a house payment every month can be stressful. According to MarketWatch in September of 2020, “Around two-thirds of homeowners in forbearance have extended their forbearance arrangements with their mortgage servicers after the initial stage.” However,...
Private Property Clashes in Texas

Private Property Clashes in Texas

When property owners face off with another property owner, there is often trouble. Some neighbors clash over a fence on the line of their property. Others fuss about a dirt road that one claims to own and another claims the right to drive on. An HOA’s interests can...
Private Property Rights in Texas

Private Property Rights in Texas

Private property rights can be complicated and you can generally bet there will be trouble when those rights are in question. In Texas, there are laws that allow certain companies to use the government structure to gain the right to use someone else’s property...